Two gull related posts in almost as many weeks is worrying news indeed but I’m finding it hard not to get dragged into their world. I of course blame fellow blogger Gavin over at Not Quite Scilly (an excellent read by the way) for my increasing inability to pass gull flocks without giving them at least a cursory once over, even though juvenile plumage still baffles me. This new found interest is however starting to bear fruit as while waiting for the pub to open last Sunday my attention was drawn to a lone Black Headed Gull. Nothing out of the ordinary there you might assume but this particular individual was carrying with it a little extra bling.

I’m well used to finding ringed Mediterranean Gulls around the corner in Bracelet Bay but this is the first such Black Headed Gull I’ve come across. A quick bit of research indicates that the bird originates from Poland and has been spending its winter in the Swansea area since at least 2014. I’ve been in touch with the relevant ringing scheme and hope to hear of its full history soon.
Whilst on the subject of gulls there were of course the usual Med’s present but with the tide low and conditions favourable most were to be found loafing about on the sea. Only a couple ventured landwards and, after applying a degree of stealth that even Andy McNab would be proud of, I worked my way within camera range of this pair.

No stealth at all was required however to get close to this Carrion Crow. In fact the damn thing wouldn’t shut up until I discovered that I was standing on its lunch. Some kind soul had thrown down a mixture of grain and bread crumbs and it seemed that no oblivious human would come between it and an easy meal.

Over on the old lifeboat slipway the wader roost was broadly similar to what was reported here last time out including presumably the same lone Oystercatcher.