
Ogmore Goldeneye

Goldeneye and Ogmore. Two words which go hand in hand at this time of year and with my parents down weekend before last we had the perfect excuse to go and see how numbers were building. The plan was to do a circular walk along the coast from Ogmore to Read more…

My Life Outside blog

Bonaparte’s Gull, Ogmore

I arrived at the Ogmore River on Sunday, headed straight for the nearest telescope wielding human and heard those words that strike despair into every birders heart. “If you’d been here an hour ago we were having great views, but it’s flown off since and hasn’t been relocated”. As I Read more…

My Life Outside blog

Goldeneye on the River Ogmore

One of my favorite haunts these last few winters has been the River Ogmore near Bridgend. Why winter in particular I hear you ask? Well firstly it is a lot quieter than the summer months meaning that the chances of watching wildlife are greatly increased, and secondly because winter is Read more…