An Explosive Trip to Gower

With autumn migration now in full flow we headed to Rhossili yesterday in the hope of hoovering up a rare warbler or two. Spirits were high after some initial success the previous morning where a circuit of Usk Reservoir delivered the expected Redwing hoards plus a trio of Brambling and Read more…

Garreg Lwyd

Garreg Lwyd Dotterel

Bank holiday weekend was a busy one for us with Saturday spent exploring the Preseli Hills (trip report to follow) and Sunday afternoon taken up with something called a social gathering. An odd concept I admit but one which I think could really take off, maybe even as early as Read more…


Dipping Through Waterfall Country

Of all the seasons autumn for me is the one which seems to pass the quickest. One minute it’s all lush vegetation and long sunny days, the next barren landscapes and lashings of rain. Somewhere in-between those classic vistas with which we’re all so familiar, of valleys bedecked in oranges Read more…

Autumn Colours

Autumn Colours

Unless you wish to hear tales of my exploits with a pressure washer then the weekend just gone was pretty much a bust. Two days of at times torrential, occasionally biblical, rainfall meant plenty of time spent indoors with any brief break in the weather being used to tackle garden Read more…

Autumn Feeder Preparation

Now that autumn has officially started I thought it a good time to give our garden bird feeders a bit of TLC. They’ve all been cleaned and topped up as well as having a few minor repairs carried out pending the inevitable onslaught of winter. It won’t be long now Read more…