spring lambs

Spring, is that you?

After one of the wettest and as a result longest winters for many years it’s heartening to find spring finally putting in an appearance. The past few days in particular have seen glorious sunshine and actual warmth in the air whilst migrants have begun to arrive in decent numbers. Most Read more…


A Belated Spring

It’s been a funny old spring this year. Somehow I just don’t seem to have got a grip on or felt part of it, almost as if events have played out around me but I’ve never quite been able to tag along for the ride. Our fortnight on Mull undoubtedly Read more…

Langamull, Isle of Mull

Langamull to Croig

Words and images from 05/04/2018 Dare I say it but there was actually a bit of warmth in the air this morning, yesterday’s brisk wind nullified and after some early morning cloud plenty of sunshine too. In response it seemed that the stuttering spring migration of the past few days Read more…

Slavonian Grebe, Isle of Mull

Slavonian Grebes of Loch Ba

Words and images from 01/04/2018 I don’t know quite how low the temperature plummeted last night but by morning it was still minus one and the ground was frozen solid. Ice encrusted any lingering puddles and in areas as yet untouched by sunlight everything was white over. For a west Read more…

Golden Eagle, Sea Eagle and Buzzard, Isle of Mull

Eagles, Eagles Everywhere

Words and images from 28/03/2018 The last few years have found me in the privileged position of being able to see Eagles almost on demand. Yes there may be a days travelling involved but I know exactly where to go and have as a result been witness to some truly Read more…


The Return of Spring

Twenty four hours later and you’d be forgiven for thinking that Sunday’s blizzards were just a dream. Sunshine and clear blue skies abound with only a few small pockets of snow holding on in shaded crevices any reminder of our recent wintry weather.  Finally it feels as if we’ve been Read more…

First Wheatear of 2018

The Wheatears Have Arrived

What a gorgeous evening yesterday was. Sunny, mild and, best of all, the first time this year I’ve been able to get back from work and still have enough daylight remaining to head out for a walk. I can’t explain how wonderful that simple act felt and boy were my Read more…