After one of the wettest and as a result longest winters for many years it’s heartening to find spring finally putting in an appearance. The past few days in particular have seen glorious sunshine and actual warmth in the air whilst migrants have begun to arrive in decent numbers. Most notable have been the Chiffchaffs whose calls now ring out across our valley from dawn to dusk. Wheatears too are trickling through and we were fortunate to spot five down at Rhossili just before the situation in this country took a rather dramatic turn. The resultant lockdown means that we’re now limited to a single outing each day but with the hills literally on our doorstep that’s no real hardship. Longer daylight hours have also opened up the option for that most important of daily rituals, the post work (from home now of course) walk, and we’ve been making full use of every opportunity to do just that. As is tradition that has included a sunset photography session at my favourite tree.

The fields are also coming alive with bounding lambs at every turn, subjects which just beg to have the camera pointed in their direction.

But what of the future? It’s safe to say that any plans we did have are well and truly on hold as we adapt to a new world of video conferences and toilet roll shortages. There’ll be no trips away in the van or kayaking sessions for the foreseeable future and as a result less content of which to share. I do however still have a couple of things in my backlog including a weekend trip to Gibraltar which we managed to squeeze in just before the world went to pot. There’s also my first tentative steps into the world of nocmigging to fill you all in on and I’ve got a few projects planned for the garden. For now though I’ve got to get away from the laptop for a while and chill. In the meantime keep yourselves safe and please follow the government advice concerning essential travel only. The great outdoors will still be waiting once this is all over, make sure you are too.