This past weekend I finally managed to get out and do my late breeding timed tetrad visit (TTV). The weather was much better this time around than last, though the species of birds on display was much the same. The number of different fledgling chicks that we found was quite amazing, and even included some firsts for me. The highlight was finding a nest of Little Egrets with three well grown young still being watched over by their parents. These are the first breeding Egrets that I have seen in this country at possibly one of only two known nesting sites on Gower. I’ll keep its exact location secret for obvious reasons. Other recent fledglings included Pied Wagtail, Robin, Goldfinch, Dunnock, Blackcap, Blue Tit and Great Tit.
The main results are as follows and will be posted up to the official BTO website.
Species | Count | Breeding Code | Species | Count | Breeding Code | |
Green Woodpecker | 1 | H | Little Egret | 10 | FL | |
Pied Wagtail | 10 | FL | Greenfinch | 2 | H | |
Carrion Crow | 25 | H | Chiffchaff | 4 | H | |
Blackbird | 4 | H | Jackdaw | 15 | H | |
Song Thrush | 1 | S | Black Headed Gull | 2 | H | |
Swift | 4 | U | Goldfinch | 2 | FL | |
House Martin | 35 | U | Dunnock | 1 | FL | |
Wood Pigeon | 9 | H | Wren | 1 | S | |
Swallow | 10 | U | Blackcap | 2 | FL | |
Buzzard | 3 | H | Chaffinch | 3 | H | |
Lesser Black Backed Gull | 3 | H | Blue Tit | 6 | FL | |
Robin | 3 | FL | Great Tit | 3 | FL | |
Magpie | 3 | H | Herring Gull | 3 | H | |
Bullfinch | 2 | P |
The breeding codes are as follows:
ON – Adults entering or leaving nest-site in circumstances indicating Occupied Nest (including high nests or nest holes, the contents of which can not be seen) or adults seen incubating
P – Pair observed in suitable nesting habitat in breeding season
S – Singing male present (or breeding calls heard) in breeding season in suitable breeding habitat
H – Species observed in breeding season in suitable nesting Habitat
FL – Recently Fledged young (nidicolous species) or downy young (nidifugous species)
FF – Adult carrying Faecal sac or Food for young