Wigeon, Holkham

North Norfolk in a Van – Part 2

Our second Norfolk night was another sub-zero affair but tucked up beneath sleeping bag and duvet I was warm, comfortable and contented. Condensation however was a bit of an issue with every inside surface of the van coated with a thin film including windows, steel panels and even the dash. Read more…

North Norfolk in a Van – Part 1

When someone mentions Norfolk in mid-February, what immediately springs to mind? Cold certainly, wind a high probability but camping? Only if possession of a full complement of fingers and toes is not something to which you aspire whilst frostbite is considered a mere inconvenience. And that’s a shame really as Read more…

December Snow in Leeds

Snow Up North

As is now our annual custom we spent the final few days of December visiting family up in Leeds. Food was eaten (a lot), walks were had and most importantly I reigned supreme at Trivial Pursuit. The icing on the cake though has to be the couple of inches of Read more…

30 Days Wild Day 5

Washout – #30DaysWild

I think the less said about Monday’s weather the better, don’t you? Like many of my fellow participants in #30DaysWild we found ourselves faced with a day of near continuous, heavy rainfall. What’s more we were still in Leeds which meant we had a six hour drive ahead of us Read more…