Hopefully it won’t have escaped your notice that last night the clocks went forwards an hour which, for those of us who enjoy the great outdoors, marks the start of an exciting time. Longer days mean extra hours of daylight and for the first time in what seems like forever I’ll be able to get home from work and still spend a couple of hours out walking. Top of this renewed agenda will be a thorough going over of my two local patches for the Patchwork Challenge and I’m also hoping for plenty more sunsets like this.

As has now become an annual tradition I rushed home from the office a couple of weeks ago to try and capture this tree as the sun went down beyond, once again managing the feat before March is done. On a wonderfully warm and still evening it reminded me of the immense healing power that even the briefest of time spent outside can have. Somehow the day’s stresses just seemed to melt away as I instead focussed my attentions on our neighbouring farms newly arrived piglets or the scores of Lambs whose numbers have been steadily increasing day by day. With the sun casting a comforting glow I must admit to having had an overpowering urge to lie down and follow the example set by this little chap.

Of course if grass isn’t to your liking then there are always woollier options available, though don’t be tempted to push your luck too far. Sheep are not always known for their patience.

1 Comment
Leanne · March 28, 2016 at 6:32 am
The healing power of the great outdoors. I get twitchy if I don't step outside every day. I've a feeling today could be one of them, thanks to storms and a virus. I'm writing this while listening to the birds wake up. That will have to do for now. A beautiful photo of the sunset tree.
Leanne xx