It was a late trip to Mull for us this year but our reward was definitely worth the wait. Autumn was in full flow and every direction we looked delivered another assault on the senses as a kaleidoscope of reds, oranges and yellows shone like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Even the Bracken, normally a scourge to be endured, managed to take on a more attractive hue covering Mull’s hills in a bronze blanket that leant even familiar views a little something extra. Though we didn’t see all that much of the sun, when it did shine we made the most of things and these are just a few of my favourite landscape shots taken during an all too brief stay.

Of course what we were really here for was the wildlife and, as ever, Mull delivered like no other place ever could. More of that in my next post though where Eagles, Harriers and even Dippers abound.
1 Comment
eileeninmd · November 22, 2015 at 2:23 pm
What a beautiful place, gorgeous scenic views. Your photos are wonderful. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!