For some reason all major weather events this year have been tagged with a ludicrous moniker which seems tailor-made for sensationalist headline writers. First there was the #weatherbomb which turned out to be nothing more than your typical winter storm, closely followed by #snowmageddon which by all accounts was similarly unimpressive over on the other side of the pond. It was no surprise therefore when on Friday another new term was unleashed onto the nation, #supertides! Unlike its forebears there was at least a fair amount of certainty that this event would actually occur (the moon and planets don’t tend to let us down all that often) so we headed off to Penclawdd to watch the supertide in action. Arriving just as the last of the days light still lingered on the horizon we were in prime position to witness the spring tides reaching the end of their eighteen and a half year cycle.

Conditions were absolutely perfect for taking long exposure photos with barely a breath of wind to be felt. In fact it was that same stillness which undoubtedly prevented the highest tide in almost two decades from breaching sea defences, a far cry from last winters storm surge where strong winds combined with what would have been a lower tide than this to devastating effect. Nevertheless this was another enthralling display of mother nature at her best and with worsening weather forecast overnight our coastal communities are not quite out of the woods yet.

Even from our elevated position the supertide has been clearly visible both yesterday and today with the shot above taken just two hours before those with which I opened this entry. The transformation from muddy estuary to water filled valley is one that I will never tire of, especially when preceded by a rather impressive sunset.

Not only do these sunset images mark a welcome return to one of my favourite photographic subjects, they also herald an important date in my calendar. For the first time since last autumn I was able to work a full day, get home and still have time to watch the sun go down. With the days getting longer at a noticeable pace this can only mean better things ahead as after work outings once again become achievable. With so many plans on the boil I’m certainly going to need every extra minute of daylight I can get.
ADRIAN · February 22, 2015 at 7:19 am
Good scenes. I always appreciate long exposure images.
Adam Tilt · February 23, 2015 at 11:25 pm
Thanks Adrian.
Stewart M · February 22, 2015 at 10:34 am
Great set of pictures – I really like the long exposure / low light shots. You really don't know exactly how they will turn out most of the time.
Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne
Adam Tilt · February 23, 2015 at 11:26 pm
You're right there Stewart. It was only when I got home that I discovered quite how well these had worked.
Dave · February 22, 2015 at 2:35 pm
wonderfully captured Adam, image #2 being my fav with a lovely composition with the boat in the foreground
Adam Tilt · February 23, 2015 at 11:27 pm
Thanks Dave. I think that's my favourite as well.
theconstantwalker · February 23, 2015 at 8:46 pm
Fantastic images Adam..
Adam Tilt · February 23, 2015 at 11:27 pm
Cheers Andrew.