A spare hour on Friday evening found me walking out from Llangennech onto the marsh. Thirty six Little Egrets were dotted around the numerous channels whilst a similar number of Cormorants were gathering on the power cables above the Loughor foreshore. It was to my feet however that my attention was mainly being drawn. Every now and again I would hear something drop off an edge or splash into the water, but each time that I looked for the culprit I would find nothing. Fearing madness I was relieved when I eventually spotted a pair of Shore Crabs scuttling off the path and into the mud.
These are by far the largest crabs that I have seen in the Burry to date and measured at least three inches across the shell. Although one of the pair disappeared before I could photograph it the other stayed in situ where using the flash has really helped to bring out their vibrant colours.
Malgorzata Ingstad · October 2, 2011 at 8:32 am
Shore crabs are nearly abstract.
Bob Bushell · October 2, 2011 at 7:40 pm
Brilliant captures.
Adam Tilt · October 7, 2011 at 11:46 pm
Thanks both.