A Glossy Ibis was found at Kidwelly Quay yesterday morning and fortunately it was still there when we rolled up just after six that evening. In fact we managed to time our arrival to perfection as we parked, walked the short distance to the appropriate flooded field, found the bird and watched it for a couple of minutes before it flew off in the direction of Kidwelly Marsh where I presume it is roosting. The brevity of our encounter resulted in nothing more than a couple of seconds of video, but it serves as a good record of this spectacular bird.
The discovery of this individual means that Glossy Ibis has now been recorded in Carmarthenshire during September for the last three years running, a trend started by the amazing flock that spent a couple of days feeding at Burry Port back in 2009. Although I missed out on the 2010 birds I did see one that year flying over Kenfig NNR. Having such an exotic bird as an almost regular visitor to the area is very exciting and something that I hope will continue.
After the Ibis had departed we used the last of the remaining light to have a quick scan over the estuary. The Redshanks were out in force again and had been joined by a single Lapwing and two Common Sandpipers. Just out of range from my telescope was another wader, asleep and with a prominent white line above its eye being the only discernible feature other than its comparable size to a Redshank. I didn’t think much more of it until I got home to find that a Long Billed Dowitcher had been seen that evening in exactly the same location. Had I possibly seen it but not realised what I was looking at, or was it just another Redshank in failing light? If only I’d had a little more time to wait and see if the bird showed its beak. Another of those great birding what ifs.
What isn’t in doubt is that we were treated to another spectacular sunset as this tropical (for us at least) weather continues. Enjoy.
Sondra · October 1, 2011 at 1:34 pm
The Glossy Ibis a lovely bird maybe they are increasing their range!! Hopefully the Dowitcher will return so you can get a look!!! Terrific photos I love the Wind Turbine shot!
Bob Bushell · October 1, 2011 at 8:33 pm
Beautiful Glossy Ibis, I love him/her.
J · October 1, 2011 at 11:35 pm
That last photo is something else. And great to see another Glossy Ibis. Looks like you had a great evening!
Adam Tilt · October 7, 2011 at 11:48 pm
Sondra – I did get to see the Dowitcher again and much more clearly this time. Glad you like the photos.
Bob – thanks.
Jeremy – I certainly did. Glad you like the photos.