Following on from a couple of posts ago where I included a picture of a huge sheet of ice stretching across Rhossili beach, I have a few more pictures to share showing the unusual conditions. The first one is the view looking towards Burry Holmes from the vicinity of the Helvetia shipwreck. By the time this was taken the tide had started to turn and was on its way back out, leaving a mass of crumpled ice behind along the hight tide line. To me it looks more like a scene from the Arctic than the UK.

This constant movement and refreezing process had left the ice with some amazing patterns embedded within it. The photo below shows just one small section because I wanted to portray some of the finer detail that was present.

More interesting ice shapes were to be found up on the slopes above the beach where a small stream was flowing out of the hillside. Here splashing water had frozen in a similar manner to at Cwm Dulais, this time encasing nearby vegetation instead of rocks. One Fern in particular had become completely trapped in its icy blanket.

My plans for this weekend are to visit a few new and some old favourite sites across Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion. The weather forecast is looking less than favourable but hopefully that wont put off the wildlife.
J · February 4, 2011 at 12:25 pm
Nice photos, Adam, and certainly interesting conditions.
Regarding Sandy Water Park, yes, I did check the ditch at the far end, but there was nothing there! (I read your blog post on the area!)
Adam Tilt · February 4, 2011 at 3:45 pm
Thanks Jeremy. Bad luck on the Water Rail. I guess it's not as reliable as I thought!