As December draws to a close it’s time to revisit our #Walk1000Miles challenge. We took this on back at the start of the year as a way to encourage us to at least take a short walk after work each day, even when we really weren’t in the mood. This is important as I know from past experience just what a power for good half an hour spent out in the fresh air can be, even if it’s just pounding the streets of our local village after dark. Problems which minutes before seemed unsolvable suddenly become clear, worries drop away and everything seems that little bit brighter.
And that’s exactly what we’ve been up to. In addition to our longer day walks, of which you can see numerous examples throughout my last twelve months of ramblings here, we’ve been out as often as possible during the week. A couple of miles here and there have all been slowly adding up to the point where I can now happily declare that we have successfully completed our challenge clocking up close to 1,100 miles as I’m writing this, even with a couple of days still to go. As a result we’re undoubtedly fitter, hopefully a little more sane and have a great sense of accomplishment with which to round off the year.
Clearly we needed some kind of celebration to mark such an auspicious occasion so I took our progress tracker up into the Brecon Beacons earlier this week to bring a ceremonial close to proceedings.

Of course the question now is, will we be taking on the challenge again for 2018? Definitely is the answer but for more details on our plans for 2018 you’ll just have to wait until the New Year.