If you were one of the dedicated up early this morning for the summer solstice then hats off to the lot of you. I was briefly tempted myself but in the midst of this heatwave sleep is already hard enough to come by. Instead I headed out last night for the summer solstice eve sunset (that’s a mouthful) which from my vantage point atop Gopa Hill proved to be rather spectacular. Humidity levels precluded much walking so I tried out a few alternative angles in an attempt to create some unique images from this oft photographed spot. Keeping me company was a lone screaming Swift, skulking Jay and some of the noisiest chewing Sheep I think I’ve ever heard. Seriously, they were a good forty to fifty meters away but the grinding of their teeth was clearly audible. Anyway, enough about mastication and on with the photos.

I’m very pleased with this little lot and it’s been nice to get back into photographing sunsets, my favourite subject for hopefully obvious reasons. I had hoped to celebrate the longest day of the year by heading back out tonight but throughout the day clouds have been building and I don’t hold out much hope for a repeat performance The plus side though is that temperatures are finally starting to dip back down to a tolerable level so something a little more adventurous could be on the cards.
Oh and no, I haven’t forgotten day 19 but my wild activity on Monday was running around playing football for ninety minutes and I really don’t think anyone wants to see my sweaty face anywhere near this blog!