I’ve not really been out with the camera a great deal this last month or so but when I have my run of luck with spring migrants has been pretty darn good. Back on the 8th April we enjoyed a nine mile walk around the heart of Gower, kicking off from near King Arthur’s stone before taking in Mill Woods, Oxwich, Three Cliffs and Cefn Bryn. It’s a route that shows off many of Gower’s best features and on this occasion also delivered my first Willow Warbler of the year. It was singing its heart out above Reynoldston and hopped off the wires just long enough to pose in a patch of flowering Gorse.

Of course, where you’ve got Willow Warblers you’ve almost certainly got Chiffchaffs and again we found another showy individual less than a mile down the road. The angle definitely wasn’t so great this time but I’ve learned not to pass up an opportunity where this species is concerned as once the trees leaf up they’re a whole lot harder to find.

Fast forward to last weekend and we lucked in with a Whitethroat which seemed happy to pose and stare us down. In truth I think it had a nest somewhere in the vicinity so we only stayed for a minute or so before leaving the bird in peace.

By the time you’re reading this we’ll have had another long weekend with ours being spent up in North Wales around the Llangollen area. I won’t tempt fate having not actually left to travel there yet (aren’t scheduled posts a wonderful thing) but I’m feeling energised and eager to see what we can turn up next.