Of all the aspects of our house the garden is perhaps the one element that I find most pleasing. Its development from a few shrubs to wildlife hotspot has been unplanned and, to a certain extent, beginners luck, but it seems that this year we are really starting to reap the rewards of all that hard work. Yes my Sparrow terrace remains unused but I’m delighted to report that a pair of Blue Tits have youngsters in one of our boxes and I was treated to great views of a recently fledged Robin being fed there last weekend. The sound it made as the food arrived was something really quite special. Meanwhile our feeders have continued to be extremely busy and, having not used the camera for a couple of weeks, I enjoyed half an hour watching them on Thursday evening. Unlike normal I didn’t concern myself too much with getting the perfect composition or pose, instead simply snapping away and checking the results at a later date. It came as a pleasant surprise therefore when it turned out that I’d probably had my most productive garden photography session to date.

Probably my favourite shot is the Greenfinch (above), not for any technical reason but more for what it represents. I’ve spoken often on here of their population crash over recent years and several months ago promised to get one of our few visitors on camera. Sadly they all vanished before I ever got the chance so that makes this individuals reappearance all the more precious. To top it all off it was incredibly tame and, in my opinion at least, gives even the colourful Goldfinches a good run for their money.
ADRIAN · May 26, 2015 at 3:19 pm
It's a grand little bird. There seem to be plenty of Greenfinches in Scotland..
A Colorful World · May 28, 2015 at 5:05 am
Your photos have the most beautiful color and clarity! Wonderful shots!
Adam Jones · May 28, 2015 at 9:56 am
Some very nice pictures of our garden birds.
Silver Parrot · May 28, 2015 at 8:30 pm
You certainly got some absolutely fantastic shots – gorgeous birds all!
Sondra · May 28, 2015 at 10:53 pm
Marvelous close up shots…the feather detail is awesome!
BumbleVee · May 29, 2015 at 4:30 pm
Wonderful, crisp clear photos….
May I send a few sparrows your way? I had to get rid of my bird feeders…they were arriving in droves and never going away. There was beginning to be a lot of sparrow poop on everything and anything…. it needed a lot of hosing down on a regular basis…so sadly, I had to take them down and now miss the little nuthatches, the downy woodpeckers and the Flickers…. the little chickadees still come and go ….. and now there are just a few sparrows that show up…to steal the food I put out for a wounded crow…. that's enough for me I guess….