Written on 25/09/2014, Isle of Mull
Or at least that’s what it’s felt like today with the entire valley enveloped in a thick, impenetrable fog. Our one saving grace perhaps has been that the forecast strong winds have been largely absent but that doesn’t improve matters much on an island where almost all activities involve being out of doors. At least the feeders have remained active and just about visible with Blue Tit numbers now up to five and our first House Sparrow of the trip making a brief appearance. Once again I remain both perplexed and impressed at their ability to zero in on such a localised supply of food in such vast areas of wilderness.

We did manage one trip down to the beach during a brief respite where visibility at least had picked up enough to allow a short spell of sea watching. Gannets seemed to be the main protagonists with a mixture of adult and juvenile birds making their way out of the loch. Several were seen to dive though how they can spot anything amongst the tumbling waves is another mystery in itself. Small groups of Kittiwakes were also on the move whilst along the shore a hardy group of Rock Pipits went about their business.
By the time we’d made it back home even that little spell of clarity had been whisked away leaving us to enjoy another evening in autumns grey embrace.
Bob Bushell · October 10, 2014 at 9:27 pm
Superb the Isle of Mull, so good. I went there on the nicest time. It was lovely.
Adam Tilt · October 11, 2014 at 8:26 pm
Even on the dull days Mull has something to offer.
sunshine · October 11, 2014 at 8:02 pm
A wonderful place and photo.
Adam Tilt · October 11, 2014 at 8:27 pm
Thanks Christian.