This years extended winter has meant that the garden feeders have really taken a battering from the local bird population. Each refill has typically been lasting just a couple of days resulting in us getting through a lot of seed. The care package that arrived from Nature’s Feast a few months ago was therefore a welcome delivery and it went straight out to help supplement our already extensive offerings. Included was their unique all season twist feeder which allows three different types of seed to be served from the same unit.

P1040561 - Garden Feeders

I was originally sceptical of its benefits but I’ve noticed a marked increase in the variety and quantity of birds visiting in comparison to my other feeders, plus food wastage seems to be much reduced. I think that the option of different seed types from its six feeding ports has meant that the birds simply choose their favourite instead of picking through a collection of seed to find something that they want. Certainly the ground beneath is much cleaner and anything that maximises food usage these days is to be welcomed. Combine that with a solid metal construction, easy filling and cleaning and I think we have a contender for my new favourite feeder. The birds seem to agree as within five minutes of being put out it had its first visitors, and they haven’t stopped coming since. I’ve seen House Sparrows, Chaffinches, Great Tits, Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Greenfinches, Goldfinches and even my first Siskins of the year all pay a visit.

P1040584-2 - Coal Tit, Garden
P1040647 - Goldfinch, Garden
P1040576 - Blue Tit, Garden
Siskin, Garden

The Greenfinches have been a particular success as after having virtually none for the past couple of years we now get a regular flock of up to six. This is great news and they seem to be sticking around even though spring is finally starting to make itself felt. I’m not the only one who has noticed the changing seasons with the Collared Dove pair constantly sitting together and Jackdaws once again building a nest in the neighbours chimney. Given the amount of material that’s been taken in I hope the owners don’t want a real log fire any time soon.

P1040567 - Collared Dove, Garden

Our Coal Tits have also been exhibiting territorial behaviour, something that I’ve not really witnessed before. This one in particular was being very vocal as it called from the top of our tree and flapped its wings. I couldn’t tell at first if it was just my presence that had elicited this display but I guess not as I heard it calling again several gardens further along.

P1040570 - Coal Tit, Garden

And that’s how things sit currently in the garden. Now that the weather is warming up I expect to be spending a lot more time out there in pursuit of its other wildlife including a Hedgehog that we know visits but have yet to see. The moth trap is also raring to go after its triumphant first outing so here’s hoping sub zero temperatures are a thing of the past.


Bob Bushell · April 17, 2013 at 7:31 pm

Lots of birdlife to sample your feeders, beautiful photos.

sunshine · April 17, 2013 at 8:19 pm

Your feeder is an oasis in this long winter.

eileeninmd · April 17, 2013 at 10:01 pm

Great variety of feeder birds. Your photos are wonderful.

Stewart M · April 18, 2013 at 11:25 am

Nice set of feeder birds. At present my feeder get more attention from me than the birds!

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

Stewart M – Melbourne

Arija · April 18, 2013 at 1:13 pm

The three in one looks like a very sensible idea. I haven't seen anything like them in Australia.

theconstantwalker · April 18, 2013 at 9:49 pm

It looks like a neat idea Adam… wonderful images.

Wally Jones · April 19, 2013 at 3:55 am

Looks like the feeder is a success! Nice variety of birds you have there.
Super images of them, too!
Good post!

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