Despite continually promising myself that I would get a proper moth trap together before the end of the summer, I have to admit that I have sadly failed. Never fear though as the tried and tested method of chasing moths around the garden and scooping them off windows at night has been relatively successful. If anything the smaller numbers have helped me to get my eye in on identification amongst a sea of similar species.
First up is a pair of Garden Dart’s caught on consecutive nights at the beginning of September. I believe that the first is more worn than the second, hence the reason for the more prominent black veins on its wings.
Next a Vapourer caught feeding on Honeysuckle a couple of nights ago. This is a male of the species and typically a day flyer, easily identified from the female as it actually has wings.
Another garden beauty was this Willow Beauty which was attracted to my study window late one night in August.
The smallest moth in my collection so far is the following Mint Moth, unfortunately photographed on the plant just next to my Mint. Maybe next time.
Moving away from home this Lesser Yellow Underwing was making the most of flowering Heather along the coast at Oxwich Point, again in August.
My final inclusion is not a moth but actually a large fly measuring between fifteen and nineteen millimetres in length and known as Tachina Grossa. You can probably see why my attention was drawn to it as the colouration was something that I had never seen before. Definitely one to look out for in the future.
As for that fabled moth trap it will definitely be getting built over the winter in preparation for a new project that I will be launching in the new year, on January first to be precise. For its inaugural switch on I promise to get some better trapping pots as well, preferably ones that you can’t read a list of ingredients on behind the moths!
TexWisGirl · October 10, 2011 at 11:09 pm
the moths are really beautiful, but that fly is really spectacular, isn't he?! 🙂
Bob Bushell · October 11, 2011 at 9:41 am
Tremendour work on the moths.
holdingmoments · October 11, 2011 at 9:41 am
Excellent Adam. A fascinating, and testing subject, to try and ID.
Such beautiful night creatures.
Good luck with the moth trap; an idea I've been toying with myself.
Stewart M · October 11, 2011 at 12:11 pm
Hi there – for all of their bad press, the fly is a rather good looking (in some ways) sort of insect. We get just a few too many down here!
Cheers – Stewart M – Australia
theconstantwalker · October 11, 2011 at 8:45 pm
Wonderful to see Adam moths are so beautiful when studied closely.
Lovely images.
Adam Tilt · October 13, 2011 at 9:00 pm
TexWisGirl – certainly is.
Bob – thanks very much.
Keith – they are definitely not as easy to ID as birds, but I guess it'll get easier with practise.
Stewart – they certainly are. Thousands of species as well.
Andrew – thank you.