With the cold weather continuing to ravage the country it is more important than ever to feed our garden birds and provide them with fresh, unfrozen water to drink. I have been keeping our feeders topped up regularly throughout the year and have consistently attracted a mixed flock of local visitors. Things have been getting rather busier recently as more natural sources of nourishment have dried up allowing us to welcome back some old friends. We now have at least three Coal Tits while the Robin and Dunnocks stay around for far greater periods of time. The Collared Doves are also back, as are the couple of Greenfinches (common elsewhere but seemingly rather scarce in the local area here). This morning a rather fine Song Thrush spent a good couple of hours patrolling, and the noisiest birds of all are back in the shape of the local Starling flock. My road is currently home to either one large flock that is spread out or several smaller flocks that are in close proximity to each other. Either way we have a regular five or six in the garden that are taking great delight at devouring everything they can get their beaks into. Fortunately my garden is constructed in such a way that I am able to photograph them at ground level while still standing up and remaining hidden (a steep slope and retaining wall are marvelous things). I have been able to capture some cracking shots that really show the character of these little birds and I have included my favourites below. Enjoy.
Coming Back
We kick off 2023 with a tick and twitch event at WWT Llanelli before enjoying Grey Plover at Newton Point and Turnstones at Sker.