Normally I don’t go in for posting just a big list of species seen as they are hardly the most interesting thing for other people to read. I had already drawn this one up for my own records however so thought that I would share it here. 97 species was the final count which is my best yet for the island. There are a few notable exceptions in my eyes such as Bullfinch, Redpoll and many of the waders. Nevertheless I am very satisfied with it.
1. Arctic Skua | 34. Great Tit | 67. Redshank |
2. Arctic Tern | 35. Greenfinch | 68. Reed Bunting |
3. Black Guillemot | 36. Grey Heron | 69. Ringed Plover |
4. Black headed Gull | 37. Grey Wagtail | 70. Robin |
5. Blackbird | 38. Greylag Goose | 71. Rock Dove |
6. Blackcap | 39. Guillemot | 72. Rock Pipit |
7. Blue Tit | 40. Hen Harrier | 73. Rook |
8. Buzzard | 41. Herring Gull | 74. Sand Martin |
9. Canada Goose | 42. Hooded Crow | 75. Sedge Warbler |
10. Chaffinch | 43. House Martin | 76. Shag |
11. Chiffchaff | 44. House Sparrow | 77. Shellduck |
12. Coal Tit | 45. Jackdaw | 78. Siskin |
13. Collared Dove | 46. Kestrel | 79. Skylark |
14. Common Gull | 47. Kittiwake | 80. Song Thrush |
15. Common Sandpiper | 48. Lapwing | 81. Spotted Flycatcher |
16. Common Tern | 49. Lesser BB Gull | 82. Starling |
17. Corncrake | 50. Lesser Whitethroat | 83. Stonechat |
18. Crossbill | 51. Linnet | 84. Swallow |
19. Cuckoo | 52. Little Grebe | 85. Treecreeper |
20. Curlew | 53. Long Tailed Tit | 86. Twite |
21. Dunlin | 54. Mallard | 87. Whitethroat |
22. Dunnock | 55. Manx Shearwater | 88. Whinchat |
23. Eider | 56. Meadow Pipit | 89. WT Sea Eagle |
24. Feral Pigeon | 57. Merganser | 90. White Wagtail |
25. Fulmar | 58. Mistle Thrush | 91. Whitethroat |
26. Gannet | 59. Mute Swan | 92. Willow Warbler |
27. Goldcrest | 60. Oystercatcher | 93. Wood Pigeon |
28. Golden Eagle | 61. Peregrine Falcon | 94. Wood Warbler |
29. Golden Plover | 62. Pheasant | 95. Wren |
30. Goldfinch | 63. Pied Wagtail | 96. Yellowhammer |
31. Great BB Gull | 64. Puffin | 97. Cormorant |
32. Great Northern Diver | 65. Raven | |
33. Great Skua | 66. Razorbill |