Mynydd y Gwair Wind Farm

The Last Days of Mynydd y Gwair

This year will see big changes coming to my little corner of the world. Not the slow creep of urbanisation which continues to erode our countryside but full on, landscape wide transformation. And all apparently in the name of green energy and saving the planet. I’m surely not the first Read more…

Cefn Drum

#pwc2017 Damp Beginnings

Last Saturday was my first opportunity of 2017 for a proper days birding and, in keeping with my new year resolutions, that meant Patchwork Challenge time. As mentioned previously I’ve abandoned the two patch plan from last year and instead returned to the area that started it all, Cefn Drum Read more…

Stunned Goldfinch

Goldfinch Drama

High drama graced our garden last night following the discovery of a grounded juvenile Goldfinch. This is not a wise move in an area plagued by feral cats and our concerns were rightly raised that were it to stay there it would not be long for this world. Physically it Read more…


#pwc2016 Cuckoo Addendum

I really wasn’t expecting to be writing any more on the subject of our local Cuckoo but once again mother nature has managed to surprise me. In years past sightings, or more accurately heard calls, have been limited to a single day with my presumption being that birds were either Read more…